Breakaway Creek

Brians Road

Drought Proof Evergreen Outpaddock

$4,000 Per Acre

128 ac


Look no further should you be searching for a drought proof evergreen outpaddock.

- Perfectly setup for absentee owners with a fool proof stock water supply- spring fed Condah Drain frontage plus dam water.

- One paddock which has recently renewed fencing - 7 plain wire (2 electrified- solar panel) with pine post and plastic dropper construction.

- A mix of native summer grasses and strawberry clover pastures.

- Soil types comprise of black loam peat type soils rising onto volcanic tableland and barrier country.

- Situated in 700-750ml rainfall country 13kms south east of Condah, at Breakaway Creek. 42kms Hamilton, 31,kms Heywood. 55kms Portland and 20km Macarthur.


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  • Property IDR2-4362066
  • Land Size127.60 ac
