Simon Quilty is the Managing Director of MLX Pty Limited, and spends a large part of his time discussing, analysing and pricing forward swap markets 6-12 months out for livestock and meat globally and has a presence in the day to day global physical meat market - he is constantly looking into the future trying to understand where global livestock and meat prices are heading for his clients globally.
China's Inevitable Pig Industry Restructure and Imported Pork, Beef, Sheep Meat and Chicken Potential Role
Price rises are likely
This paper is the final paper of the three part series on the
potential impact of African Swine Fever (ASF) in China and is focused on the potential need to restructure the China pig industry and the critical role imported pork, beef, sheep meat and chicken will play in managing the transition process as China tries to get ASF under control.
There is one common element amongst all the proteins in this paper and that is price rises in 2019 and 2020 in China for both imported and domestic pork, beef, mutton, lamb and chicken seems inevitable and this is likely to have a flow on affect to global prices for all these items.
Part 3 - Livestock Analysis Report
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