The daughter of Australia’s best Red and White Holstein hit $11,000 at a Colac autumn-calved dairy dispersal sale last week, as buyers chased world leading genetics.
Jennings Sale Average:$3,740
Breeders from across Victoria were seeing red, with the 16 red and white Holstein females offered by the Jennings family from Simpson averaging $4,696. They also averaged $3,355 for 40 black and white Holstein females.
Lendene Pty Ltd for Bookaar, Victoria bought the April-calved, Rusty Red Awesome Georgia – Red, achieving the top sale price of the day at $11,000.
The daughter of the champion red and white Holstein at last year’s International Dairy Week, Rusty Red Liner Georgie-Red, Ex, this second lactation cow has impressive showing credentials in some of the biggest competitions.
Lendene Pty Ltd also paid $6,300 for Wigley High Apple-Red, a red and white Holstein heifer with a traceable lineage to a cow which sold for $US1million in 2008.
Gippsland buyer Adam Nelson paid $7,750 for two-month-old heifer Rusty Red Moovin Irene-Red. From a line of big-production and high classified dams, this heifer was bred to make money and turn-heads.
The great granddaughter of two-time European Championship Show Grand Champion, Suard-Red Jordan Irene, Ex97, this cow produced 100,000 litres in her lifetime, averaging 4.77 per cent fat and 3.56 per cent protein.
Charles Stewart agent James Breen said this sale offered some of the world’s best genetics and was a unique opportunity for buyers to improve their genetics.
“This was rare, the Jennings family offered the daughter of Australia’s best red and white cow, a heifer from one of the world’s best red and white cow families and an Apple descendant,” he said.
“These are three descendants from the world’s top five red and white Holstein cow families. In the past, you might have seen an offering like this at a multivendor sale, but for one vendor- one family – to offer all these cow families, it’s pretty unique.”
Other top lots included $6,750 for Wigley Awesome Jane-Red, a freshly calved, third lactation red and white Holstein and $5,250 for third-lactation black and white Holstein Avonlead Diamond Pompeil-ET, VG86, bred from a line of show winners in NSW and Canada.
The Jennings family dispersed their autumn calved animals to reduce their winter stocking rate.
In addition to the Jennings lots, Brendan and Yolanda McVilly from Cooriemungle averaged $3,800 for nine registered Holstein heifers due to calve in May and June. They had top of $5,000 for tattoo daughter.
McVilly Sale Average: $3,800
Sale conducted by Charles Stewart & Co and Flanagan Marketing Services
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